Politica di Rimborso

If you are not satisfied with the product you purchased from us, you need to message us at info@intel-ledger.com.


Intel Ledger – Linerum OU is an insurance and tax consulting agency. Any amount earned in its scope of services is not refundable unless expressly declared. Consulting Fee is treated as advance payment and considered as earned against the time and services of the Consultant, except the termination of the agreement for cause where:


There is something wrong with the services you bought, or if you are unhappy with them, you have 14 days to issue a refund.


A full refund will be issued in case of a technical error such as double charging or other instances in which Intel Ledger – Linerum OU are responsible. A refund claim is acceptable in case of the inability or incompetency of service execution. In this case, a fair compensation calculation must be evaluated against the time and efforts. 


Any refund request should be made in a written email stating the exact reason for the Refund claim, which will immediately lead to suspension or termination of services. 


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.